Sousei no Aquarion Ep2
This episode confirms one suspicion I had in the first ep. When the 3 pilots join together, they undergo some sort of sensation... They experience an orgasm. (ewww... just like that??) Silvia confirmed it when she screamed "I'm comingggg!!!!" Hahaha... *laughing my heart out* So ridiculous... And, Sirius ain't the cool, nonchalent guy I initially thought he was. His face was distorted with anger and disgust when he recalled his union(forced) with Apollo. Given that they have orgasms during the union, and that Apollo did force it... Does this mean... Forced Sex???!!! Haha... Oh yar... Silvia is infatuated with her bro (incest?), but her past life was obviously in love with Apollo's past life. Can see where this is going =P